In today’s modern world, it’s become normal to battle with depression and bad mental health, but this is not OK, and it should not be normal.
We live such hectic lives and we are constantly chasing our tails to achieve the next goal and obtain the next “thing”, and this means that we forget to stop and smell the roses, which can be incredibly detrimental to our happiness.
If you’re in need of a change and want to increase your happiness, take note of the 7 simple life hacks below.
Invest time into a hobby
Doing what you’re passionate about is one of the most important things in life. Whatever it is – watching movies, playing basketball, painting, books, ceramics etc. – make time for it in your life. You should also consider joining local clubs that specialise in what you love doing so that you can connect with likeminded individuals. For example, if you like photography, consider joining a photography club in Sydney.
Learn to switch off
In this modern world, we spend so much time “plugged in” and absorbed in different screens (smartphones, desktops, tablets, televisions, etc.), and this can be detrimental to our mental health and happiness. Technology has evolved so rapidly over recent years, and humans are struggling to keep up with its effects. So, every night before you go to bed, try “switching off” from all technology and spend time without the buzz from a screen in the background. Catch up with family, cook, read, go for a walk – whatever you find fulfilling and that quietens your mind.
Make time for loved ones
Family is incredibly important, and the stronger your family network is, the happier and more supported you will feel as you move through life. And, remember, “family” doesn’t have to mean “blood relatives”; family is whoever you choose to be close to in this life – your soul tribe.
Make an effort to stay up-to-date on the lives of your loved ones, and lean on them when you need help and support. Organise catch-ups and arrange nice days out, especially with younger members because seeing life through the eyes of a child is incredibly refreshing.
Get outside more
Spending more time outside connecting with the beautiful world we live in will give you a new perspective on your life. The more at-one you are with nature, the more blessed you will be that you get to live on this planet and experience all of its wonders.
Even when it’s grey, cold or raining outside, make an effort to walk in nature every single day – and not just on your morning commute. Staying cooped up inside in artificial lighting has negative effects on your mood and happiness levels.
Practice gratitude
It may be easier said than done, but be grateful for everything you have in your life. We so often count our misfortunes rather than count our blessings, and this mindset is the catalyst to negative energy and a glass-half-empty mentality.
Try this: each day, write down 5 things you are grateful for. These can be as simple as “I am grateful I have access to clean water”. Or, they can be more personal, e.g. “I am grateful that I have booked a holiday to X with X”.
The more you force yourself to look at the good, the less focussed you’ll be on the bad, and the happier you will be overall.
Celebrate achievements
Moving through life, we are constantly chasing goals. We tend to set goalposts further and further away, meaning that we never stop to congratulate ourselves on how far we’ve come.
Instead of focussing on setting goals, we should celebrate achieving them. Make an effort to congratulate yourself for achievements – new jobs, new homes, the completion of projects/assignments, life milestones, etc. – and not just the big ones, but the small ones, too.
Practice mindfulness
Mindfulness is all about stopping, taking stock and living in the moment. It teaches us to recenter our thoughts so that we are aware of the here and now and feel calmer.
If you’re new to mindfulness, there are apps such as Calm and Headspace that can guide you through short meditations and teach you basic principles. If you’re feeling the world piling up on top of you, try meditating for 15 minutes every morning when you wake up, or every evening before you go to sleep. You may find that life’s pressures and negative energy fizzle away.
What are you waiting for? Put the above 7 tips into action today!