Are you dreaming of that perfect beach body?
Perhaps you’re preparing for an upcoming beach vacation. Or maybe you want to ensure your body is in its best shape for summertime.
Whatever the case, there are things you can do now to make that summer body a reality.
Read on for some of our best tips!
1. Drink More Water
You don’t need to get a Brazilian butt lift to glow on the beach.
Stay hydrated to appear slimmer and maintain muscle tone. When your body has sufficient water, it stores this under your muscles (rather than beneath the skin layer).
This promotes definition rather than a puffy, bloated look.
What’s more, drinking enough water can aid in healthy weight management and improved fitness!
Aim to drink at least six to eight glasses of water a day. This equates to about 1/2 gallon or 2 liters of H2O. Keep diuretics like caffeine and alcohol to a minimum.
2. Amp Up the Veggies
Plant-based nutrition is packed full of minerals, vitamins, and nutrients your body needs to perform at its best.
A diet rich in vegetables rather than carbohydrates is also likely to trim waistlines. Vegetables have high water and low fat content, enabling you to feel fuller sooner (and longer).
Bring more vegetables and green matter into your diet. Replace meat- or carb-heavy meals with veggie-dense ones.
You may even consider going full-on vegetarian for the next couple of months!
3. Limit Processed Ingredients
Do your best to refrain from a diet heavy in processed, packaged food items.
Processed ingredients like high fructose corn syrup or MSG can be harmful to health. They can also quickly become reserves of fat stored in the body and put you at risk for heart disease or diabetes.
Aim to consume fresh and/or raw ingredients as possible. Pay a visit to your grocery store’s bulk aisle or stop by a local farmer’s market every week.
Try to avoid eating out regularly. The more you cook for yourself, the less likely you are to reach for processed ingredients.
4. Try HITT
High-intensity interval training (HITT) involves doing short, intense bursts of exercise in a single session.
Studies indicate that HITT may be more effective from a weight loss and toning perspective. Plus, HITT can be more engaging than a few miles on a treadmill.
You can also do HITT in your own living room! Check out Fitness Blender videos as an example.
5. Strengthen Your Core
A toned belly is an essential component of that perfect beach body. To work towards your ideal slim and trim, try out some core-strengthening exercises.
Once again, you can do these in the comfort of your own home without any exercise equipment. You only need a handful of minutes for them, too!
Try elbow planks to quickly strengthen your core. We also recommend implementing boat pose, side bends, and jackknifes into your daily exercise routine.
Your Perfect Beach Body Awaits
We all long to be lean and tan for those summertime months. Such a body can be your reality in a matter of weeks.
Adjust your diet to include more vegetables and fewer processed ingredients. Bring high-intensity interval training into your exercise routine.
And don’t forget to drink enough water to claim that perfect beach body soon!
At Stayful, we believe in everyone’s capacity to live a full life.
Are you planning your next beach vacation in Palm Springs? Check out our review of Palm Springs Hotels here.