People spend so much money planning vacations on which they spend so many days, further increasing their cost. While this is not a bad thing, it has become an impediment to people having fun and time to loosen up as often as they should.
Studies have shown that having times out to relax is important for improved productivity and general wellbeing. You can read about it here. If these studies are true (and they are), then common sense suggests that these relaxation times should be observed as often as possible.
However, as we noted earlier, the cost and time involved in having full blown vacations has reduced our vacation times to once a year for some, once in a couple of years for some others and never for the majority. This no doubt has contributed to the high level of stress, anxiety disorder, depression and other health issues.
Thankfully, there is a simple solution that we’ve discovered. Now can you imagine a one hour, fully packed wild life trip? To tell you the truth, what you will enjoy in a one hour wildlife adventure to Knoydart Peninsula in Scotland will amaze you.
What’s Special About Knoydart?
If you are a lover of wildlife, then you will love the Scottish Peninsula sometimes referred to as “Britain’s last wilderness”. This region which covers a land mass of about 40,201 hectares and 10,495 hectares of water body can only be reached by water.
This is one of the forty areas that has been designated a National Scenic Area. By this designation, the Scottish government identifies it as an area of immense natural beauty that needs to be protected from human decimation.
Folks who love hiking, mountaineering and generally being in close proximity to nature will find the peacefulness and beauty of this hilly area soothing and at the same time exciting. To get more information about Knoydart, read this article:
Visiting Knoydart
If you’ve decided to visit this lovely Scottish peninsular or perhaps you are still considering, there are a few bits of information that you may want to know about before you head out. For the undecided, these may help you make a final decision.
When you visit Knoydart, you should not be looking for hotels of any kind. A visit to this region should be an attempt to reconnect with mother-nature. Not to worry, you won’t have to sleep under the stars as some amazing accommodation options are available to you.
Top among these is the Knoydart Hide Luxury Accommodation which the Times in 2016 named one of the ‘Top 5 Most Romantic Boltholes’ in Scotland. This is a secluded accommodation for two adults and maybe two children. It is a self-catering affair with the option to get a caterer and masseuse if you so choose.
It is well equipped with modern appliances including outdoor hot tub, infrared sauna, running machine, coffee machine, a Weber gas BBQ and many others. This is the perfect escape for couples who want a very private time.
Other accommodation options include Tigh Na Feidh Cottage which sleeps 2 to 6 persons, Tigh Na Dobhran which sleeps 2 to 4 persons and is about 20 minutes away from the nearby village, and Sandaig Cottage which is situated on Loch Nevis’ shoreline. This cottage stands in the midst of about 400 acres of land. This includes about 1.5 miles of coastline that has not been touched, open moorland, island, rolling hills, woodlands and more.
With others not listed here, you will surely not be lacking for proper accommodation.
So, what can you do for fun while in this nature’s paradise? Let’s look at a few:
There are different activities you can get involved in. These include walking, cycling, fishing and cruises.
For some interesting interaction with nature’s food provision, check out the Knoydart Community Market Garden. Aside from the array of plants you will find here, one of the most interesting things is the section where you can pick your personal selection of vegetables for a salad, fresh from the farm.
You can also check out sites like the Western Isle Cruises. You can cruise to practically anywhere around. You can be dropped off at a beach somewhere for a barbeque or any other destination of your choice and then at the end, it will come pick you up. There are other options open to you including a one-hour charter up to a full day charter.
There are other activities like cycling, horse rides, walks through the woodlands and even some courses on craftsmanship given by experienced local wood workers.
Not all vacations have to cost you an arm and a leg. You can actually have loads of fun in as little as a day on this peninsular. Begin to make your plans for a visit to this lovely piece of the world untouched by man’s ravaging development.
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