Imagine this, you have quit the smoking habit for a few months now and you are feeling great. You have started using vape as a way to curb your appetite for cigarettes and this has also gone pretty well. However, there is one thing that is gnawing at the back of your mind. You will be going on vacation with your girlfriend for a couple of weeks to Europe and you desperately want and need to bring your vape. Here are some things that you should prepare for before dropping that trusty vape into your luggage.
Tip 1: Make Sure You Can Bring It
With the ever evolving legislative landscape involving vape in our county, you can be sure that other countries also have their feelings about vaping. Be sure to check country reports to make sure that the country you are visiting allows vape. You do not want to be caught with foreign and illegal substances in countries where the laws are very different from those at home. A good place to check is governmental websites as well as articles from reputable sources on the issue. If ever in doubt, leave your device and juice at home. You will thank me for that one.
Tip 2: Check-in the Juice, But Carry-on the Device
If you have done your research and found that indeed the country that you will be visiting is friendly to vapers, make sure to place your juice in the check-in luggage. 4 ounces is maximum amount of liquid that you could carry in a container. Often times, the vape juice containers carry more than 4 ounces, so to be safe, check it in your luggage. It would also be advisable to place the juice in a plastic bag or even double bag it just in case the juice comes out of the container during the flight. For the device, you need to carry this on. The device will almost certainly have a battery to heat the liquid, and thus, should be an item that you carry on the plane. Make sure that you have taken all of the liquid out of the cartridge as most likely these devices will be checked by TSA during the X-Ray scan. Do Not under any circumstances vape on the plane as there are regulations against smoke on the plane. Place the device in your carry on luggage and keep it in the off position for the duration of the flight.
Tip 3: If you love a particular juice, make sure you bring it
While on vacation, you may not be able to readily purchase the flavor of juice that tickles your fancy. Be sure to make those purchases online at stores like smokingthings or Otherwise, you can try to purchase what you can at your local store. Remember, you are going to a foreign land, and although there are some brands that can be purchased everywhere like Nike and Pepsi, vape juice manufacturers are not that well known as of yet to be able to hold that standard.