For many people, one part that makes up a great vacation is getting away from whatever weather you’re currently experiencing and visiting an area that’s more pleasant for you to experience. In some situations, this means leaving a cold place and visiting somewhere warm. However, if you’re not used to being in the heat, you might find that a hot locale is actually harder to cope with than you may have thought.
To prepare you for this circumstance, here are three tips for staying cool when traveling to a hot location.
Stay Somewhere With Air Conditioning
If the place you’re visiting is going to be warm, you may regret it if you don’t stay somewhere that has air conditioning for you. Especially if you’re not used to being in a warm environment when you sleep, you might find that you’re not able to get the rest you need if it’s too hot when you go to bed.
Because of this, Ed Hewitt, a contributor to Smarter Travel, recommends that you book your stay somewhere that has air conditioning. Ideally, the hotel you stay in should allow you to control the air conditioner directly from your room, just like you can do with your own air conditioner at home. This way, you can set the temperature to whatever you’d like to ensure that you’re able to sleep comfortably and get the best possible rest while you’re traveling.
Plan Your Days Around The Sun
Depending on where it is that you’re going to be visiting, you might have planned to do things that take place both indoors and outdoors.
To keep yourself from getting too hot during the day, Claire Trageser, a contributor to Travel and Leisure, advises that you try to plan your activities each day based on when it’s going to be the hottest at your destination. For example, if you’re wanting to avoid the hottest parts of the day for being outside, plan to do any indoor activities you have between 10 am and 2 pm. And if you’re wanting to do things outdoors, try to plan those activities for either the morning or the evening.
Use Water Wisely
While you’re walking around or otherwise being in the heat of the day, it’s important to know what you can do to keep yourself from getting too hot and experiencing negative symptoms because of it.
To help you with this, Wendy Bumgardner, a contributor to Very Well Fit, recommends that you make hydration your top priority. Along with drinking a lot of water, you can also use water to dampen a cloth and apply it to your neck or wrists to help you stay cool even when out in the heat.
If you’re going to be traveling to a hot location and are worried about how you’ll handle the heat, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you learn how you can keep yourself cool.