As a business owner or manager, hygiene and cleanliness is understandably at the top of your list of priorities. But whilst you might understand the importance of cleanliness, you may not necessarily be familiar with all the different types of floor scrubbers on the market and exactly what qualities you need to look for in a scrubber for your business. After all, if you were that much of an expert on floor scrubbers, you’d be in the business of selling floor scrubbers, right?
But fear not. To help you identify the best floor scrubber for your particular needs, here’s a simple guide to get you started.
What’s the difference between an industrial floor scrubber and a sweeper?
An industrial floor scrubber is a piece of equipment designed to clean the floor of your industrial or commercial business. A scrubber involves thoroughly cleaning the floor with water and chemicals. It takes longer to operate than a sweeper and requires far more maintenance and consumables.
Meanwhile, a sweeper is faster and easier to operate. Whilst a scrubber literally scrubs and cleans the floor, a sweeper simply clears the floor of dust and debris. Put simply, think of it as the difference between sweeping and scrubbing your bathroom floor. One involves more time and effort and has an entirely different outcome to the other.
When choosing between a scrubber and a sweeper, you need to assess what kind of cleaning you require. For example, if you run a furniture warehouse, you may only require a sweeper that keeps the floors clear of dust and debris. However, if you run a busy canteen in a Shopping Centre, then you need a floor scrubber that will help you maintain the standards of cleanliness and hygiene required in the food and beverage industry. One such example of providing the scrubbers is Australian Sweeper Corporation which can help you get the scrubbers according to your requirements.
What are the different kinds of floor scrubbers?
Generally speaking, you can split these into two major categories: walk-behind scrubbers and ride-on scrubbers.
Walk-behind scrubbers are pushed from behind by the operator and are ideal for smaller surface areas. Ride-on scrubbers are ideal for larger surface areas as they require far less energy to operate as the person sits on the machine and drives it around.
Of course, in both of these categories there are many brands and types of machines available on the market. Some are bigger, some are smaller. Some clean faster and more vigorously. And with technological and scientific advancements, scrubber machines are constantly changing and improving.
What kind of industrial floor scrubber should I buy?
The answer to this question of course depends on a number of factors. For example, how big a surface area do you need to clean? How often is cleaning required? What kind of substances are you cleaning? Food, oil, dust, debris or all of the above? Will you be cleaning wide open spaces or small nooks and crannies…or both?
Larger surface areas may require ride-on scrubbers as they require less energy to operate. Small to medium sized facilities could probably make do with a walk-behind scrubber. Larger facilities may require scrubbers with longer battery life and a greater run-time whereas smaller facilities may not need to spend money on these factors.
Facilities with small corners and tight spots may need to look at machines with narrower scrubbing paths whereas other businesses may need to priorities faster brush speed and heavy duty capabilities.
The point is that every business is different. Your business will have its own very specific needs which you need to carefully consider before investing in an industrial floor scrubber.
Ready to buy?
This guide is a great way to get your head around the very basics of selecting a floor scrubber for your business. But to find the best possible solution for your specific needs, contact a local provider of industrial and commercial cleaning equipment for an in-detail consultation.
Use someone that specialises in several different types of scrubbers, sweepers and cleaning equipment. That way, you can be sure that they truly understand the different needs of various industries and will be selling you what’s best for you as opposed to pushing an irrelevant product on you just to make a quick buck.