Wait, what?
We know what you are thinking…it’s not just finding a place with vacancy in a safe area of town close to where I work? That is a big part of it, but that is not all there is. We’re writing this article to explain how to more seamlessly make your transition. Somewhere down the line, someone is going to tell you that it is a difficult move and that it will be hard because all the responsibilities will fall on your shoulders. The bills, rent, utilities, laundry, cleaning, and everything else that accompanies life as an adult. What isn’t the popular version is that it is just a transition. Continue reading and you will see where we are going with this. We have compiled 5 essential concepts to help get you in the right frame of mind to make your move without being overwhelmed.
Apartments are a stepping stone
You likely will not be living in an apartment for the rest of your life, but if you do then understand that when we say that it is a “stepping stone” then it is relatively-speaking. Eventually, in most cases, people who rent apartments later upgrade to a larger living space via either a condo or a house. Yes, you will have bills, rent, and other living expenses that require your time and money, but they will grow when you move out to a larger space, because there is more to clean and things become more complicated in life.
Apartments are relatively inexpensive
Unless you are moving into a really bougie area of a city, then your rent could be very low in comparison to a house or a condo. It won’t likely be a dump either. You can get very nice apartments for a low amount of money. It is different all across the U.S. because the cost of living varies, but $1,000 per month in most areas will get you something nice and clean. www.aptsaver.com is full of skilled professionals who can help you locate an apartment within your budget and other preferences.
You Will Have Like Company in an Apartment
A common theme when you are being advised to do anything is to find people on the same journey as you are. Apartment complexes are full of people from all walks of life, but normally with two things in common – starting out in life and don’t have a lot of disposable income. Which means that you will be surrounded by people who are on a similar path as you are. Think of it like an upgraded dorm with less textbooks. You can also take on a roommate or two, but make sure that you know their living habits and if they are compatible with yours. Also, ensure that you are on the same page with the landlord also. Sometimes there can be different rules and prices if you want to make roommates a part of your living arrangement.
Location of the Apartment
Because of the market to which apartment buildings cater, you stand a good chance of getting a room at a reasonable price closer to the hot area of town. If you were to search for a house in that same location, it could run thousands of dollars, but then again, you will also have more space and more responsibilities. Don’t shock your system with too much responsibility too fast. You will still want some time to hang out with your friends and enjoy the city.
It is all in your head
Well…mostly. Yes, there are expenses, some hidden fees on occasion, and some pesky rules that can surprise you if you don’t read the lease agreement, but for the most part, the idea that living on your own is a large burden and you will constantly be doing a balancing act with your responsibilities can be a gross over exaggeration of reality. If you are used to any kind of responsibility and chores, then an apartment will be liberating to you because you can complete those tasks on your own terms. Sure, you will be paying to live there, but you will be anywhere else unless you live at home. And you can often find a better location in a more popular area fairly inexpensively.
If you feel like it is time for you to move into adulthood, then having your own residence is a great place to start, but we would encourage you that, while you have a good head of steam up, don’t revert back to your youthful state where you shy away from handling your responsibilities. Everyone around you will be handling them effortlessly also. The first month may be a bit cluttered with moving and everything, but once you settle in, you will see that it is a breeze. This is an exciting moment, don’t let the fear of the unknown hold you back.