Do you dream about a simpler life? If you do, you have plenty of company. As many adults want to live more simply, they want less stuff in their day-to-day existence, not as much noise, little complexity, less stress from sports, fewer things on their to-do lists and no hurrying from place to place. What’s the solution? The good news is that there are many ways to achieve the goal of having a less complicated life. It takes determination and persistence, but practically anyone can create a lifestyle that offers more clarity, open space and room for thought. There are multiple ways to begin, depending on where you are in the vast spectrum of simplicity vs complexity. Some of the most popular methods involve the following strategies below.
De-Clutter Your Home
Getting rid of the physical junk around you can go a long way toward making everything else fall into place. Attics, garages, basements and over stuffed closets are apt locations to begin the quest. But taking baby steps is a great way to start out by designating one room of your living space for de-cluttering and then attack it with a vengeance.
Cut Down on TV Watching
TV and video programming are everywhere from online, in the living room, in airports, at the doctor’s office, and even at the gas pump where you’re forced to watch advertisements while the fuel flows into your car. Cutting down on the amount of TV you watch is a positive way to declutter your mind and give you more time to take part in other activities.
Reduce Monthly Expenses by Refinancing
Refinancing debt is a smart way to organize and simplify your monetary life, especially beginning with costly student loan that has been a burden on your bank account for years. When you refinance an education loan, you reap several benefits such as lower monthly payments, a better interest rate in most cases, and more time to repay the entire amount. Clearing out the excess items in your personal world also pertains to your financial universe. When you do a refi, you clean up your money picture and make it easier to deal with.
Automate Monthly Payments
It is now possible, thanks or no thanks to technology, to automate every monthly payment in your budget. Rather than pay the old-fashioned way, why not set up your bank accounts to make automated payments for all the usual culprits like utilities, cars, mortgage, insurance, and more. When it’s on auto, you need not worry about missing a payment and you’ll never have to pay manually again. That saves you at least a few hours per month, and that’s time that can be spent on getting organized on other areas of your day to day existence.
Set Aside Daily Quiet Time
What about your mental clutter? Everyone can use more time to zone out, meditate, contemplate, pray, engage in visualization or whatever it takes to make the brain a less cluttered space and more open for creative, relaxing thought. Those who make time for this kind of activity can end up happier and have less stress in their lives.