As a teacher, you want your students to enjoy what you have to teach and produce excellent results. Even if you are teaching a difficult subject, you do not want your students to feel the burden of the subject. If the students are not feeling the heaviness of the subject meanwhile enjoying it, you, yes you Professor, are doing a great job. It is always a teacher who makes students fall in love with the subject, not the subject itself. Since education is an essential part of every individual’s life on a global level, many researchers have invested in this field and tried to improve the methods of teachings. Hereunder are the essential tips out of those myriad researches which will help you, as a teacher, make the life of your students easier and enhance their learning:
- Start with a hook about the topic
When students get to your class, their minds are clueless and not ready for a full-blown lecture. So, once they are settled, just start a little conversation with them and ask them how they are and introduce your topic of the day. Then, do not start with lots of information or by telling how difficult the topic is. Rather, give them a fun fact about the topic or tell them a story. A hook is what gets them interested in the class and helps them focus better.
- Show illustrations and videos
To improve your students’ learning of your subject while making it easier for them to grasp what you are teaching and enjoy it, you must include digital methods of learning. You can prepare your lecture in PowerPoint Presentation, show a small video to support your arguments, or show them pictures, illustrations, and paintings related to your subject. This way, you will be providing them with a visual aid, which helps greatly with understanding and remembering what they have learned. This method also increases the focus of the students during the class.
- Promote online learning
The world has become digital and continues to improve in that direction. Online learning is becoming a trend now and gaining its reputation as a better mode of learning than going to the physical classroom. This mode of learning is gaining importance quickly because it is easier to study online, you can save a lot of time and also invest your time in your career or whatever it is that you like to do. These days, many universities are offering online bachelor’s degrees and various other degrees. Some of the universities exist online.
- Engage students with each other
One of the ways students can learn better and easily is that they know and have friends in your class. So, in the first few classes, involve them in fun activities which will allow them to know each other and have a liking for each other. It is also the way you get to have the first impressions of your students. Later on during the semester, you can allocate them group presentations or group assignments, so they can lean on each other and also learn that way.
- Take them out in the open
Yes, you read it right! If your subject is associated with fieldwork, you know exactly what I am talking about. Take them to places through which they can learn your subject better. If not, you can look out for other activities like workshops or lectures happening around the state, which will enhance their learning. You can also just have a few classes out of the classroom on the grass if the weather is good. You also have the option to take them out at a huge pizza place and conduct a short class there. It will improve your connection with them and take off their burden if they have any regarding your subject.
- Observe active learning
Active learning is when your students are not only sitting and listening to you, but where they get the chance to speak and share their ideas and opinions. You must also make them write, read, and implement what they have learned in their routines. Active learning makes all the knowledge stick in one’s mind, and that is what education is about. You can do that by engaging your students in all types of activities during the class, like group discussions, small presentations, written summaries, quizzes, etc.
- Give a tiny fun homework
It is important to give homework. However, you must ensure that it is precise but stimulating. Also, it must cover the essential points of your class. This way, your students will be able to actively recall everything they learned in your class, which will enable the knowledge to stick to their minds. Once the students start remembering what they learn, they automatically think that the subject is easy and begin to enjoy it. Your homework method can make all the difference here.
- Know your students
Knowing each student is important because this will help you reach them individually. Once you start addressing your student’s problem one-on-one, they will enjoy your class and feel inclined to give you good results. The best way to do so is by meeting them in your office hours at least twice a semester.
- Keep a positive vibe in the class
If you truly want to make your students’ life easier and enhance their learning altogether, you need to create a positive vibe to the class where students can engage with each other and openly communicate with you about their problems regarding your subject.
Remember, your relationship with your students is the first step towards making their life easier and also enhancing their learning process. If they are comfortable in your class, they will be able to focus more and give better input. You know your subject well if you are hired as a professor at a college or university, but what matters more is how and how well you deliver it. Good Luck!