If you’re in the process of packing up your life and moving to a new property, it’s well worth checking out the following moving guide. Which is packed full of useful tips for moving in Tucson, Arizona.
Get rid of any unwanted items:
A few weeks before your big move, it’s a great idea to start sorting all the items in your house. Into items which you plan on taking to your new property, items which need to be thrown away and items which can be sold or given away. As there’s no point taking clutter and items which are broken or which have been replaced to your new property. Especially as it’s best to start your new life in your new property without unnecessary junk.
Create a list of tasks which need to be completed prior to your move:
One of the easiest ways to ensure that you’re properly prepared for your move, is to create a list of tasks which need to be completed prior to your scheduled move. As an example, changing your street address, hiring an experienced moving company and acquiring boxes to pack all of your belongings, may feature as bullet points on your to-do list. To keep yourself accountable, it’s also a wise idea to put a date of completion for each of the tasks which you jot down on your pre move to-do list.
Visit your local post office to request a change of address:
In order to change your street address, you’ll need to visit your local post office, where you’ll be able to request a change of address. Which will ensure that all of your mail which accidentally arrives at your old address, will be forwarded to your new address, for the first few months of your move.
Contact all of your banks, insurance companies and medical offices are informed of your change of address:
Thankfully changing your listed street address with your banks, insurance companies and medical offices is a simpler process. Which can usually be completed online in a couple of minutes. Which should save you a lot of valuable time. If you’re not able to change your listed street address with a particular business or institution simply give their help desk a call, in order to change your street address.
Hire a local moving company to ensure that your move is as effortless as possible:
Instead of taking several car trips in order to move all of your possessions from one property to the other, it’s a much better idea to hire a trusted, local moving company. As they’ll be able to help you shift all of your belongings to your new property in just 1-2 trips. As they’ll have specialist moving equipment, such as a large van or truck, in order to efficiently move all of your boxes to your new home. To find the right moving company for your needs simply visit MyBekins.com.
So there you have a short but invaluable guide to moving in Tucson. Which should ensure that your move goes off without a hitch. Moving doesn’t have to be a stressful, difficult experience.