It is viewed as the next ordinary and logical step to take. First, you get married, and then not too far down the road, you have your first child. Everybody does it, so how bad can it be? It is still possible to have the life you have now even with a baby on board… most people think. However, this isn’t how it exactly goes. If you are considering starting a family, be ready for these changes to your daily routine. (And if you would like to begin a family immediately but are having a few difficulties, you should go to a Montreal fertility centre and they will be able to help you out.)
Sleeping Through the Night
Remember when you could roll into bed at about 2am after a night of bingeing Netflix and still be ready to go to work at eight in the morning? Well, those nights are over.
Now it will revolve all around your baby’s sleep schedule. This includes putting her to bed at 8pm and hoping and praying she will sleep for the next few hours uninterrupted. Then be ready for a feeding and diaper change at around midnight and 4am as well. Sleep will come in three-hour intervals at a time and you will always be listening for a crying baby in the background even while trying to catch a quick siesta. But don’t worry. Your sleeping pattern will go back to normal when your child has officially graduated from college.
Your Social Life Will Take a Hit
Trying to find a babysitter at the last moment is almost impossible to do, so it is inevitable that your social life will not be like it used to be. Friends that you used to see every other day will become monthly acquaintances. Your new friends will soon be parents with young children of their own. You may not even like them much, but since they are going through the same things you are, the bond will be enough for you to spend time with them.
It Will Be Worth It
The little things in life are viewed as the most important when all is said and done. Attending your child’s music program or hearing them speak their first word is going to be what you remember as the years go by. You will eventually forget all the sleepless nights and diaper changes as your own kid starts to have kids of their own. The circle of life is continually going forward. And when all is said and done, then maybe you can get back to your binge-watching on Netflix.