Do you get enough hair food? No, we don’t mean making avocado or honey mixtures to lather on your head (though that isn’t a bad idea).
But we’re talking about eating food for healthy hair. Read on for the best food for hair growth, thickness, shine and strength in this article.
How Hair Food Works
Luscious, healthy hair is not just about genetics. Though your DNA does have a role to play in the thickness and texture of your hair, what you eat may make the biggest impact.
The best thing you can do for your hair health (and your overall health) is to eat a mainly plant-based diet with lots of nutrient-dense foods such as seeds, fruits and veggies and 100% whole grains.
You’ve heard this before but it’s worth repeating: stay away from processed and pre-packaged foods.
But how exactly does what you eat impact your hair? Glad you asked!
Your hair is made up of cells. And cell regeneration relies on antioxidants such as vitamin A, C, and E. These shild your hair follicles as well as your scalp from damage.
Protein is the building blocks of cells (you may recall this from high school science). If you don’t get enough quality protein, your hair can’t grow and won’t be strong and healthy.
Various vitamins work to assist the cell growth and cell building processes all over your body, including on the top of your head. These help your metabolic processes happen more efficiently in the cells that make up your skin and hair tissues.
Now that you’ve got a good grasp about the role of food for hair growth and thickness, let’s look at the foods that are best for healthy hair.
Salmon is a rich source of both omega-3 fatty acids and protein. This fish gives you so many health benefits including many for your brain.
Your body can’t make its own healthy fats. It relies on your diet to supply them for your body’s use. Fatty acids protect you from illness and disease and also helps your hair become shiny and grow quickly.
Sardines and mackerel are also excellent choices with the same benefits.
Greek Yogurt
You’ve probably heard that Greek yogurt is chock-full of protein. That’s why it’s a great addition to your daily menu.
The protein you eat promotes blood flow to your scalp. More blood flow equals more hair growth.
Eggs are another wonderful source of protein. They are full of vitamins B12, A and D as well.
Two specific things that are found in eggs are lutein and zeaxanthin. Both of these are important for the cellular health of your skin, eyes and yes, hair!
Peanuts and Peanut Butter
Just a quarter-cup of peanuts gives you 9 grams of protein, 4 grams of fiber and a slew of antioxidants.
They are also very filling. It’s a great staple for vegans and vegetarians.
Popeye ate it for a reason! Spinach is a superfood jam-packed with iron, magnesium, vitamin A, folate, beta-carotene, and vitamin C.
All these work together to keep your hair moisturized so that it doesn’t break easily. If you hate split ends and have damaged hair, fall in love with spinach.
Spinach has a very mild taste and is easy to add to practically any meal. Blend them in a smoothie or add them to an omelet or salad.
All leafy greens are excellent hair food that you should regularly have on your plate. Try adding kale to your weekly menu to mix it up a bit.
Avocados are an excellent source of healthy fats and vitamin E. In fact, one medium avocado gives you 21% of your daily vitamin E needs.
Did you know that hair loss has been linked to a lack of fatty acids?
Vitamin E is an antioxidant and has fatty acids. That means that it is an excellent food for hair loss. If your hair has been thinning, eat more avocados!
Plus, vitamin E nourishes your skin (including the scalp) and protects it from damage.
Chia Seeds
For all those vegans and vegetarians out there, chia seed is your new BFF. Though small, chia seeds are mighty!
They are full of omega-3s, fiber, protein, and antioxidants.
Chia seeds are so versatile! Throw them in breakfast cereals, puddings, smoothies, baked goods, and soups.
For being so tiny, they are surprisingly filling. Best of all, a bag can last in your pantry for years!
Guava is a tropical fruit that you can eat to prevent hair breakage. Guava is brimming with vitamin C.
Just one cup has 377 milligrams of vitamin C. That’s over four times the minimum daily amount your body needs!
Some people don’t love the taste so make sure you experiment with the many ways you can eat guava. Try it blended in a smoothie or use it in various recipes.
Sweet Potatoes
Do you wish that your hair had more shine to it? You need to up your beta-carotene game with sweet potatoes.
Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that converts to vitamin A in your body. When your body has enough, it repairs dry and dull hair. Plus, vitamin A urges your body to produce scalp oil so that yoru hair doesn’t dry out.
Beta carotene is also found in orange produce like pumpkins, mangoes, carrots, and cantaloupe.
Final Thoughts
There you have it! A list of the best hair food you can add to your plate to get the healthy hair you’ve dreamed on.
Remember, the best healthy foods for your hair are also good for your body! So do yourself a favor and choose to eat a healthy, balanced diet starting from today.
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