In addition to being a source of tremendous frustration, persistent memory issues can be outright inconvenient. Finding yourself unable to remember important information stands to present problems in virtually every area of your life. So, if memory issues have proven to be a consistent issue, there’s no time like the present to start tackling them in earnest. As you’ll find, sharpening your memory doesn’t have to be costly, difficult or time-consuming. Anyone looking for simple and effective ways to improve their memory will be well-served by the following tips.
Minimize Disorganization
A cluttered life can facilitate a cluttered memory. Unfortunately, given how relentlessly busy many of us are, it’s hardly unusual for someone’s work life, home life and personal relationships to become hopelessly cluttered. If this describes your situation, make an effort to minimize clutter and disorganization in your life.
For starters, this means keeping multitasking to a minimum. While you may think tackling multiple tasks at once is a boon to productivity, it’s almost always a hindrance. As you’ll quickly find, completing one task at a time can do wonders for your time management and help foster a less cluttered mindset. Secondly, if your home and/or office are perpetually messy or disorganized, don’t hesitate to start getting things in order. After all, if your personal space is always a mess, it’s only natural that your memory would be affected.
Get Physically Active
Physical health and mental well-being often go hand-in-hand – and memory is no exception. Since physical activity increases blood flow to your entire body – including your brain – it may be conducive to a healthy memory. So, if you’re experiencing memory problems, take stock of how much physical activity you get in a given week. Although many of us spend a significant portion of our time sitting, we mustn’t forget the importance of a good workout. The Department of Health and Human services recommends a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity (walking, for example) per week for most healthy adults. Alternatively, you can substitute this for 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity (i.e., jogging) per week.
If you don’t have much experience with regular exercise, getting into the groove of a consistent regiment may initially prove challenging. However, after sticking with it for a few weeks, being physically active will become a natural part of your daily routine.
Improve Your Sleep Habits
Poor sleep habits can do a number on both your physical and mental health. If you regularly fail to get enough sleep, your energy levels, focus and memory are practically guaranteed to suffer as a result. So, if your current sleep habits could stand to see some improvement, there’s no time like the present to start refining your nightly respite.
For starters, give yourself a bedtime and stick to it. Additionally, make sure this bedtime allows for at least seven to eight hours of sleep. If you’ve grown accustomed to going to sleep at inconsistent times, your brain may need help getting into the mood for slumber. To this end, engage in relaxing activities like meditation and deep breathing exercises in the leadup to hitting the way. For maximum effectiveness, make an effort to go to sleep at the same time each time – even during weekends and periods of downtime.
Speak to a Doctor
To confirm that your memory problems aren’t the result of a serious condition, arrange a consultation with your physician. In addition to providing you with peace of mind, your doctor should be able to make a number of effective recommendations with regard to boosting your memory. For example, depending on the type of memory problems you’re dealing with, you may benefit from brain boosting supplements. Alternatively, if your memory issues stem from a psychological disability, you may want to look into long term disability insurance.
Memory problems can create frustration in a variety of areas. Whether you’re plugging away at work or enjoying some well-earned leisure time, a spotty memory can effectively put a damper on your day. Fortunately, in many cases, memory problems are relatively easy to correct. Since these problems commonly stem from things like stress, anxiety and disorganization, getting a handle on these problems is often the key to improving your memory. So, if a better memory is what you’re after, consider the measures discussed above.