One of the most basic ways that people can build a strong defence against the spread of the coronavirus is to eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly. At the same time, drinking vitamins and general health supplements help boost the amount of nutrients in the body. But the activities mentioned above are not the only source of an immune system booster that you can count on in keeping yourself and your loved ones COVID-free. In a surprising discovery made by Chinese scientists, it revealed the vital role of healthy gut flora in determining how vulnerable an individual is against the COVID-19 virus.
Gut flora affects your overall well-being more than you realise. Immune-compromised individuals (or those with underlying health conditions related to their immunity, heart, and respiratory organs), are the ones who are the most at risk. If the microbiome in a person’s intestines is unhealthy, it can lead to the development of chronic diseases.
How important is gut health in diminishing the chances of spreading the Covid-19 virus?
A similar study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology generated findings on patients based in Hubei, China. The said patients were COVID-positive, with almost 50% of the 204 patients examined found to have experienced symptoms related to their digestive and gastrointestinal well-being. These symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal pain, and nausea. Some also experienced vomiting. On the other hand, the number of COVID-positive patients who suffered from respiratory ailments was significantly lower. Thus, aside from the lung cells, the virus can also target and penetrate through the colon and small intestine.
Scientists are aware that additional research is needed to explore the said discovery fully. Still, the findings on the link between gut health and coronavirus provide further implications on the severity of the pandemic. These implications include:
- Individuals suffering from respiratory and heart ailments are not the only ones susceptible to the virus’s threat. People who are prone to experiencing symptoms and discomfort related to their gastrointestinal health may also be at risk.
- Taking health supplements rich in probiotics becomes more in-demand. Probiotics neutralise the side effects while promoting and protecting healthy gut flora, along with gut functions involving the GI, gut, and urinary tract. With improved bowel movements and a healthy digestive system, the body can absorb essential nutrients at a faster rate.
- Any imbalance in the gut flora can lead to more severe complications, such as diabetes, hypertension, and autoimmune diseases. It increases the number of people who can easily contract the virus.
- The virus can likewise thrive for extended periods on different surfaces. If a toddler or a young child happens to have direct contact with an object contaminated by the virus, the virus can find its way into the child’s developing gut microbiome.
- Some people experience extreme mood swings and depressive episodes as a result of extended community quarantine periods. The pandemic’s negative impact on your mental health can also cause an imbalance in your gut flora.
Maintaining a healthy body and strong immunity involves all of the systems found inside the body. If you strive to boost your gut health, then it is essential to adopt an immune system booster that accommodates your well-being as a whole. This can range from curbing the amount of sugar and carbs that you eat to focusing on activities that help manage stress levels and emotional distress better. Furthermore, you need to be more aware of the supplements and medications that you take. Excessive antibiotics can be detrimental to your gut microbiome. Meanwhile, natural or pure health supplements that are rich in good bacteria can aid in strengthening the intestines and colon.
Author Bio: Carmel Issac is a freelance writer who offers to ghostwrite, copywriting, and blogging services. She works closely with B2C and B2B businesses providing digital marketing content that gains social media attention and increases their search engine visibility.