Did you know that in 2017 there were over 1 million self-published authors?
With so many people self-publishing rather than going through a publisher, it’s no surprise that more people are looking for which direction to take.
Have you been thinking of writing a book and sharing your thoughts and creativity with the world? Keep reading to learn the steps to writing a book.
What are You Going to Write About?
The first step is to figure out what you’re going to write about. Do you want this to be a fiction or non-fiction book? Once you figure out what you are going to write about it will give you a direction for the journey ahead.
Setting Deadlines
This is an important step because if you don’t give yourself a deadline you might quit on your book writing goal. Or it might take you years. The last thing you want to do is start something your dream of writing a book and not finishing it.
Setting a deadline will also make the next step easier.
Decide on a Word Count
Next step is to figure out how long you want your book to be. Do you want it to be short read or a novel? Once you choose how long you want your book to be you can give yourself a minimum number of words you will write every day.
If your deadline is in 6 months then you can do the math and figure out how many words you need daily to meet your deadline and word count goal.
Create an Outline
Once you have the above figured out you can make an outline of your book. Think about what you want your readers to take away after they finish reading your book.
This step will require some brainstorming to get an idea of the chapters you will be including in your book. If you’re writing a fiction book this is the time where you decide on your characters and setting.
Writing Time
This sounds obvious but once you have your outline it’s time to start writing. Many people get to the outline and quit. This is where determination and staying motivated will help.
Choose where you want to write your book and sit down and commit to it every day until you’re done.
Create Your Cover
When you’re all done writing you will need a cover to tie it all together. You want something that will catch readers attention and make them want to read your book.
Adobe Spark’s book covers make this step a breeze.
Time to Publish
After plenty of editing, and re-reading your masterpiece it’s time to publish. Share your knowledge or creativity with the world and inspire others to follow their own dreams of writing a book.
Steps to Writing a Book: Are You Ready?
When you start your journey of writing your first book you might be feeling overwhelmed because you have no idea where to start. This guide should help give you direction when it comes to the steps to writing a book.
As long as you have clear goals it will make your book-writing journey easier and enjoyable.
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