If you believe yourself to be a coffee connoisseur, take a moment to list all of the kinds of coffee and coffee drinks you can name. Most people can probably name the traditional ones you would find on any cafe menu like black coffee, espresso, cappuccino, flat white, and so on. However, a true expert could probably name upwards of 30.
So, if you are looking to learn more about the different types of coffee and how they are made, look no further. This article covers all kinds of cafe creations, so keep reading.
Common Types of Coffee Drinks
There are an incredible amount of things you can do with coffee beans. Here are some popular drinks you can order from coffee shops around the world.
An americano, also called a caffè americano, is a type of espresso coffee drink around 75 to 80 years old. As the story goes, American soldiers in Italy thought Italian espressos were too bitter. Their solution when making coffee was to add additional hot water to the dark, potent drink.
With that, the espresso, typically a single ounce of thick and highly concentrated coffee, became the americano. A traditional americano is made by brewing one or two ounces of espresso and heating water to between 185 to 200 degrees Fahrenheit. The espresso and water are not mixed; they are layers to protect the intricate flavors and layers of the coffee.
A cappuccino is an espresso drink that is light and foamy. A traditional one contains steamed milk and has milk foam on top. It is made with a double shot of espresso followed by an equal ratio of hot milk and a thin layer of foam.
This drink is also commonly prepared with cinnamon or cocoa powder sprinkled lightly over the top.
A latte is similar to a cappuccino but differs in some key ways. Latte prep starts with the same base of espresso and steamed milk, but these are thoroughly mixed, then it is topped with foam. Overall, they contain more milk and foam than cappuccinos.
Interested in trying one of these popular coffees? Try the Dolce Gusto coffee maker for simple yet delicious drinks.
Unique Types of Coffee
You have probably ordered americanos or lattes before. How about these more unique coffee drinks?
Also known as an “affogato al caffe,” it actually means “drowned in coffee.” It commonly takes on the form of a dessert such as an espresso poured over vanilla ice cream. Less traditional forms may include a small amount of coffee liqueur for an extra flavor boost.
A breve latte is similar to the latte mentioned above, but instead of milk, the drink contains half and half. Half and half gives the beverage a fuller, creamier, and more decadent. taste
A Vienna coffee drink introduces the fun and sweet ingredient of whipped cream. It is made with a single or double shot of espresso and about two ounces of whipped cream. The cream is often put over the top or spooned in.
A Guide to Coffee Types Made Simple
The types of coffee you could choose, either from a menu or drinks to make at home, are seemingly endless. We hope this article inspires you to create new coffee concoctions like the ones listed above.
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