Nowadays, working from home as a freelancer is a common thing for many people across the globe. However, there are still many companies that ask their employees to come to the office every working day.
The moment COVID-19 hit every part of the planet, almost everyone was sent home and asked to work from there. Naturally, people who never worked as freelancers found this quite difficult since they were not used to such a regime.
If you belong to that group of people who find it hard to work from home, you are reading the right article, as we are about to share with you pro tips for staying productive while working from home.
Stick to the Schedule
Naturally, the majority of people find it hard to stay productive at home since that’s the place associated with rest. Yet, the situation is such that we can’t help but make it work the best way we can.
The primary thing to do is to create a workplace coronavirus guideline that will clearly define your working hours. For the best results, you should follow the working hours from your office, as your body is already used to start and finish work at a particular time.
On the other hand, if you’ve always found your working hours inadequate, you can use this situation to your advantage and set new working hours the way it suits you best. The only thing you need to do is write down your schedule and stick to it by all means.
Create a Work Environment
To be able to fully concentrate on your work while at home, you need to find a room or a corner free of anything that could easily get your attention. Therefore, it should be space with no TV, and far away from the rooms your family members spend the most time in.
If you have a home library or any similar room, that would be a bingo. If not, make sure to find a quiet place that will remind you of your office and motivate you to focus solely on your job.
Block All Distractions
Here we are mostly aiming at your smartphone, tablet, or any other device you usually don’t let out of your hands.
Don’t think that working from home means you can waste more time on social media such as Instagram or Facebook. Remember that this is still work and not a vacation, meaning that you need to utilize your time in the best way possible.
If your phone is not a necessary part of your job, leave it in another room until you finish work for the day. In case you have to always be available, try to use your phone only for business calls and emails and nothing else.
As a last resort, you can download one of those many apps created to block social media on your phone for the desired number of hours per day. In this way, you won’t even be tempted to look at your phone because you will know that it is impossible to access any of those apps that can get your attention and make you less productive.