Up to 500 million people all over the world meditate. The popularity of meditation is due to the benefits it provides people with.
People who meditate enjoy pain relief and the ability to relieve stress. However, some practice it for religious purposes, too.
If you’re a fan of travel, then it’s likely that you’ve encountered your fair share of Buddhist converts and people who engage in meditation for the bounty of benefits it has.
But, what do you really know about the practice? Why is meditation in Buddhism so important? Read on to find out.
Why Do Buddhists Meditate?
Simply put, Buddhists believe that meditation is a means to achieve enlightenment. Now you’re asking, what is enlightenment? The answer lies in the significance of Buddhism.
The basic foundations of Buddhism are the Four Noble Truths. They are the truths that:
- Suffering exists (and is inevitable)
- Suffering has a cause (namely from attachment)
- Suffering can end (when you reach nirvana)
- There is a path to end suffering
Enlightenment is the path by which people can end suffering. Enlightenment is what Buddha sought and achieved. This is why it’s such a large part of Buddhism.
For Buddhists, this is all achieved by meditation.
To achieve enlightenment, you have to end suffering. To end suffering, you have to figure out what’s causing you to suffer. To understand what’s causing you to suffer, you need to meditate.
You need to reach into your mind and your consciousness.
See the cycle?
The Benefits of Meditation in Buddhism
As little as 20 minutes of daily meditation can lead to improved physical health. People have reported benefits such as lower blood pressure, lower heart rate, and calmer breathing.
Aside from these “side effects” of meditation, it’s also helped people relieve the symptoms associated with anxiety and depression.
The great thing Buddhist meditation is that there are many ways to practice it and reap the benefits. Some people recite mantras, for example, while others find solace in chanting or using mala beads to count their prayers.
To truly understand why meditation is important, you’ll have to try it out for yourself.
If you’re not sure how to begin, try to find a quiet, peaceful place away from stressors and noise. Try to meditate (in the way that feels best to you) for just 10 minutes a day. Slowly work your way up from there.
Indulging in a Stress-Free Lifestyle
Meditation in Buddhism is the path that many take to enlightenment. However, even if you don’t prescribe to Buddhist beliefs, you can still enjoy the benefits of daily meditation.
Mindfulness is a great way to enhance your physical, mental and emotional health. Engaging in a practice that only takes about 10 to 20 minutes out of your day seems like a small price to pay for improved health.
Still looking for ways to de-stress, especially before your next vacation? Check out our blog on what to do before boarding a flight where we give you five tips for a stress-free adventure.