When you get a travel credit card, there are some benefits that are sort of baked into having the card. For example, if your card comes with a discount on every purchase, that’s not something you’ll have to actively think about using every time you check out. However, there are also ways that you might not be using your credit card to its full potential. These five things can help you use your credit card more effectively.
1. Use Your Regular Benefits on Every Trip
Every time you take a trip, make sure you’re using the regular benefits that you get as a thank-you for being part of the cardholder club. These benefits can be just about anything, from free onboard Wi-Fi to better hotel breakfasts, but by using them, you’re making sure you get your money’s worth from your credit card overall.
2. Sign Up for the Credit Card That You’ll Use Most Frequently
Remember that different credit cards will be used for different things. For example, if you only have the choice to apply for either a hotel credit card or a flight credit card, you’ll want to think about whether you typically spend more money on flights or hotel rooms every year. Then, use that card as much as possible.
3. Make Sure Your Credit Card Is Eligible for General Purchases
Travel credit cards are a great way to save toward trips even when you’re just making your day-to-day purchases. If your credit card is co-branded with a bank or a general card issuer, you can get travel savings from buying groceries. Make sure you’re using the right credit card on your day-to-day purchases for even easier savings.
4. Consider the Annual Fee
Annual fees are fairly common with travel credit cards, but you really need to think about whether or not the fee is justified. If your annual fee is $99 and you’re saving about $50 every year, the annual fee might not be worth it. However, with careful and smart usage, you could end up saving many times over your annual fee every year.
5. Look at What Your Points Are Worth
Taking a look at what your points are worth, especially in comparison to what points from other travel credit cards are worth, can help you understand whether you have the best travel credit card. Checking the monthly value of rewards points and miles can help you understand how your credit cards stack up against other cards, making it even easier to get more with your credit card.
Using a travel credit card more effectively doesn’t have to be a gigantic ordeal. It can just mean slightly modifying how you use your card. With these five tips, it can be easier than ever to get the most out of your travel credit cards. Go over your travel credit cards to make sure that you have the best ones, then make sure you’re using them in the best way possible going forward.